import sys
import io
import os
import traceback
from collections import deque
from itertools import accumulate
BUFSIZE = 8192
class FastIO(io.IOBase):
newlines = 0
def __init__(self, file):
self._file = file
self._fd = file.fileno()
self.buffer = io.BytesIO()
self.writable = "x" in file.mode or "r" not in file.mode
self.write = self.buffer.write if self.writable else None
def read(self):
while True:
b =, max(os.fstat(self._fd).st_size, BUFSIZE))
if not b:
ptr = self.buffer.tell(), 2), self.buffer.write(b),
self.newlines = 0
def readline(self):
while self.newlines == 0:
b =, max(os.fstat(self._fd).st_size, BUFSIZE))
self.newlines = b.count(b"\n") + (not b)
ptr = self.buffer.tell(), 2), self.buffer.write(b),
self.newlines -= 1
return self.buffer.readline()
def flush(self):
if self.writable:
os.write(self._fd, self.buffer.getvalue())
class IOWrapper(io.IOBase):
def __init__(self, file):
self.buffer = FastIO(file)
self.flush = self.buffer.flush
self.writable = self.buffer.writable
self.write = lambda s: self.buffer.write(s.encode("ascii")) = lambda:"ascii")
self.readline = lambda: self.buffer.readline().decode("ascii")
def print(*args, **kwargs):
sep, file = kwargs.pop("sep", " "), kwargs.pop("file", sys.stdout)
at_start = True
for x in args:
if not at_start:
at_start = False
file.write(kwargs.pop("end", "\n"))
if kwargs.pop("flush", False):
sys.stdin, sys.stdout = IOWrapper(sys.stdin), IOWrapper(sys.stdout)
def input(): return sys.stdin.readline().rstrip('\r\n')
def read_int_list():
return list(map(int, input().split()))
def read_int_tuple():
return tuple(map(int, input().split()))
def read_int():
return int(input())
if 'AW' in os.environ.get('COMPUTERNAME', ''):
test_no = 1
f = open('inputs')
def input():
return f.readline().rstrip("\r\n")
n, w = read_int_tuple()
diff = [0] * (w + 1)
for _ in range(n):
l, *A = read_int_tuple()
if l == w:
for i in range(l):
diff[i] += A[i]
diff[i + 1] -= A[i]
d = w - l
if d >= l - 1:
hi = 0
for i in range(l - 1):
if hi < A[i]: hi = A[i]
diff[i] += hi
diff[i + 1] -= hi
if hi < A[l - 1]: hi = A[l - 1]
diff[l - 1] += hi
diff[w - l + 1] -= hi
hi = 0
for i in range(1, l):
if hi < A[-i]: hi = A[-i]
diff[w - i] += hi
diff[w - i + 1] -= hi
q = deque([(0, -1)])
for i, x in enumerate(A):
while q and q[-1][0] <= x: q.pop()
q.append((A[i], i))
while i - q[0][1] >= d + 1: q.popleft()
hi = q[0][0]
diff[i] += hi
diff[i + 1] -= hi
q = deque([(0, 0)])
for i in range(1, d + 1):
x = A[-i]
while q and q[-1][0] <= x: q.pop()
q.append((A[-i], i))
while i - q[0][1] >= d + 1: q.popleft()
hi = q[0][0]
diff[w - i] += hi
diff[w - i + 1] -= hi
1703A - YES or YES | 494A - Treasure |
48B - Land Lot | 835A - Key races |
1622C - Set or Decrease | 1682A - Palindromic Indices |
903C - Boxes Packing | 887A - Div 64 |
755B - PolandBall and Game | 808B - Average Sleep Time |
1515E - Phoenix and Computers | 1552B - Running for Gold |
994A - Fingerprints | 1221C - Perfect Team |
1709C - Recover an RBS | 378A - Playing with Dice |
248B - Chilly Willy | 1709B - Also Try Minecraft |
1418A - Buying Torches | 131C - The World is a Theatre |
1696A - NIT orz | 1178D - Prime Graph |
1711D - Rain | 534A - Exam |
1472A - Cards for Friends | 315A - Sereja and Bottles |
1697C - awoo's Favorite Problem | 165A - Supercentral Point |
1493A - Anti-knapsack | 1493B - Planet Lapituletti |